Coffee Roasters Purchasing Coffee Produced by Women

One of the questions we are asked most frequently is “What can I do?” meaning "How can I support women in coffee growing countries?”* Our answer(s): everyone, from folks actively working in the industry to anyone who enjoys drinking coffee at some point in their day, can buy coffees produced by women. Doing this is a direct investment in more visibility for women producers and the roasting companies who are doing the good work of diverting as much value to those women as possible. Show roasting companies there is a demand for coffees produced by women by buying those coffees produced by women! It will enable the roasters to show the folks in the supply streams where they work that their efforts are seen and valued. Buy coffees produced by women as often as you can. Ask your favorite roasters if they have coffees produced by women on their menus.

This year, to celebrate International Women’s Day, we’re releasing a document we’ve been working on to highlight coffees produced by women. It's a list of roasted coffees you can buy online from roasters who care about gender equity.

Here are some notes for use:

  • Please don’t change the formatting. This sheet is designed to be alphabetical by the name of the producer. Women producers are the main focus of this effort!

  • Remember, coffee is seasonal. The link to a coffee may have expired if the coffee has sold out or the seasonality of that country is changing. The roasting company still merits being included in this list — if they support gender equity in coffee once, they’re likely to do it again. Maybe reach out and ask them when that coffee will be coming back!

  • This is an open-source document, meaning anyone can add entries. If you know of a roasted coffee produced by women that’s for sale on the internet, please add it! And tell others to do that, too.

  • If you’ve never used a document like this before, we made a video (see below!) illustrating how to search by name of the producer (or producer group), growing country, roasting country, etc. Whatever you are searching for, you can find it!

If you’re eager to browse the whole document, check it out here.

*(If you have your own set of answers, we’d love to hear them.)

**Thanks to Syndel Sendas for the motivation to start and first steps starting this project.